"Blessed is she, who has believed, that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Luke 1:45


Monday, November 30, 2009

The Perfect Gift

I love giving gifts. I try my best to pay attention to what people say, what they are interested in, and what they enjoy so that I can give them a gift that will be meaningful and fit them well.

As we go into the Christmas season, I have been paying extra attention to a few of my friends and family. I want to make sure I get them something that they know I put thought, time and energy into. I want them to know that they mean something to me. I want them to know they matter.

I was just sitting here thinking, "If Jesus was sitting right in front of me, what would he want to find when he opened his present? What is important to him? What would he want as a symbol of my relationship with him?"

It was really sad how quickly he answered.

"More time with you."

I have been so busy serving and working and living, that I forgot (and truthfully, haven't made the effort) to simply be with him.  He is my best friend and I have neglected him shamefully.  I am so thankful that he is not a fickle human. I would have lost my best friend a long time ago because of the way I have ignored him and prioritized many other things ahead of him.

So how do I give him more time? I think that a great way to do that is to do what he did, and love what he loved. What did he do and what did he love?


He poured over it, memorizing it, learning it, teaching it. He used it to dictate his actions, his attitudes and his faith. He used it as a weapon.

How better to spend time with Jesus and get to know him better then to share an activity with him that he loves? I have made excuses and had reasons why I haven't been spending time studying my Scriptures for my own knowledge and benefit, but none of that really matters.  What matters is that I need to do it and I haven't.

So, I am giving Jesus what he asked for for Christmas. Time with me together in the Word. After all, there is nothing wrong with all the fun and participating in the traditions we have for Christmas. But it is, ultimately, Jesus' birthday. The most important gift should be for Him alone.

I love it when I find the perfect gift!

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