"Blessed is she, who has believed, that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Luke 1:45


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In a Minute

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."  Psalm 5:3
As a parent, I am constantly saying "in a minute!"

"Mom come here!"
"In a minute!"
"Mommy, look at this!"  
"In a minute!"

"Mom, can I"....

                              "Mom, may I"....

                                                             "Mom, listen"....


With the constant demands of kids, I get in the habit of having them wait until I have completed one thing (usually at least a thought!) before I move on to their next need. If there isn't blood, a stranger or broken bones involved, I want them to learn to wait their turn, be polite, and have respect for other people. I forget sometimes that they just need to know that I am there for them. That I am willing to put them first, get eye-to-eye with them and say "Yes, baby? What is it?"

But lately, I feel like I have said "wait a minute" a lot. I said it the other day and my daughter just growled "uuuuugh!" and stomped off. It made me wonder what amazing four-year-old girl insight I had missed. And just how many times I had asked her to wait that day.

I didn't even know.

As the week wore on, I kept thinking about this. As usually happens, eventually I managed to apply it to myself.

When was the last time I called out to God and heard, "In a minute!"?

As we see in the verse above, God hears us. Not "in a minute".  No "hold on while I finish this up." But as soon as we give voice to our prayer, God hears us.

It's as if he drops everything, leans down close to us, face-to-face, and says "Yes Baby? What is it?"

Our prayers are so important to God. He drops everything to hear them. In his amazing ability, he does this for every one of us, whenever we call to him. No matter how many times or ways we pray, he is always there to hear.

When was the last time you really prayed as if you believed this? When was the last time you waited in expectation for God?

I have to say, the idea of expecting God to actually act on my prayer sometimes doesn't really enter the picture. I pray, I feel like God knows my thoughts and hopes, and then I just go on about my day. I don't ever expect to see God's answer. Have you been there before, too? Are you there now?

Be encouraged to expect God today. He is waiting to hear from you, and your prayers are never in vain. Expect those God-sized answers. Expect to see something amazing. Expect to see a miracle. But never expect to hear "Wait a minute!".

It just will never happen.

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