"Blessed is she, who has believed, that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Luke 1:45


Saturday, January 31, 2009

I did it!

I did it!

For those of you that don't know, I was asked to give a short devotion at tonight's Ladies Game Night for the women in my church.

For my thoughts on that read here.

This has been the biggest step outside of my comfort zone that I can imagine.

Over the last month I have struggled with self doubt, fear, and insecurites and I just have to tell you that GOD WAS THERE!

Every step, every thought, every doubt. God met me right where I was and waited with me until I was ready to take that next step.

I have grown in my relationship with God so much because of this. The month leading up to, and the five minutes of giving, Oh my heart sings! I hope and pray that something I said tonight will have touched someone, or made them see something in a different light, or just made them realize that they can trust God to take them where they don't have the strength to go alone.

I also have to say that there is nothing in the world like knowing that your girlfriends are lifting you up to God. I have been so encouraged and strengthened by my friends who have supported me, encouraged me, prodded me and lifted me up in prayer, and then made sure they were there to celebrate with me.

Who knows where God will call any of us? I do know that there is a plan and a purpose to everything He does, and I am excited to see what He calls me to next. I know it probably won't be easy, or comfortable, but I think I would rather it be that way, if this is the blessing that comes from it!


Shanda said...

That is awesome! I'm so glad to hear it went well and blessed you in the process! God is so awesome!

I'd love to have you join us tomorrow for Titus 2 Tuesday if you are able to!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but...Way to go sister! I have been in your shoes...still am. It is so scary to step outside the boxes we keep ourselves in, but when God tells us to get out of the box and we listen,you can be sure He will touch someone's heart.

Keep stretching, keep growing.
