"Blessed is she, who has believed, that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Luke 1:45


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Perfect Picture/Perfect Plan

This was pretty much my devotion that I did for Ladies game night...Of course it changed since I ditched the complete notes and gave God room to work. I had to let go of my "perfect" devotion to allow God room to forward His plan.

We all dream of being perfect at something. A wife, a mother, a friend.

We strive for it and expect it and then when we fall short of the perfect mark, we feel disappointed in ourselves. When we set our goal as "perfect" and then miss the mark, first once, then again and again, we start to feel disappointed in our selves. That disappointment can lead to disilluionment, even bitterness.

What we need to remember is that by striving for "perfect" we miss God's perfect plan. He doesn't expect us to be perfect in any role in our life, but he does have a perfect plan. His plan may call for us to suceed, but it may be that us coming up short of the "perfect" mark is what is needed for us to be able to glorify Him.

It's scary letting go of that "perfect picture" and trusting God enough to follow wherever He leads. But I can promise that even falling short of the perfect mark, you take a huge step forward in trusting God.

We just need to remember to trust in God when he says that in our weakness His strength is made perfect.

2 Corinthians 9:8 says:

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

God doesn't promise to give us our vision of a perfect picture, but He does promise to give us all we need, in abundance, and when we trust in THAT, we can trust in his perfect plan.

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